Covid-19 Protocal

COVID-19 and what we're doing at Mobile Pet Grooming SPA Peninsula

PLEASE WEAR A MASK TO MEET US. We are trying to keep you safe and we would greatly appreciate the same. IF you have a fever or anyone in your home does, please cancel your appointment.

ALL PETS must be on a leash or in a carrier. If we arrive and you pet is not secure we will not be able to provide service and charges may apply. Help keep us and everyone safe.

Here is our safety protocol:

We are wearing mask and gloves for the entire grooming service
We wash our hands before we meet you and put on fresh gloves
Clients, please stay 6 feet away and place carriers on the ground
We are collecting carriers with a clean cloth and/or fresh gloves

Extra care:

We use Germicidal wipes and or wash all equipment

Washing hands

Changing Gloves

Collecting carrier or leash with new cloth and/or fresh gloves

Wipe down credit card with germicidal cloth/or handle with gloves

Swipe card

Email receipt

Give you back your carrier or leashed pet